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U-Builder Assumptions
All Solarmount Rail Based Systems
Allowable spans and resulting point loads are subject to the following conditions:
- IBC 2006/ASCE 7-05 design loads unless otherwise specified.
- Importance Factor = 1
- Building Height ≤ 30 ft unless otherwise specified.
- Roof Slope ≥ 1.2°
- Maximum rail cantilever ≤ 1/3 of selected span.
- Topographic Factor (Kzt) = 1
- Occupancy/Risk Category = II unless otherwise specified.
- ASCE 7-05: Basic Wind Speed: 85-150 mph (IBC 2006/ASCE 7-05). Wind Exposure: B or C.
- ASCE 7-10: Basic Wind Speed: 110-180 mph (IBC 2012/ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: B or C.
- Ground Snow Load: 0-60 psf. (Reduction can be input if this is acceptable with your local building authority). Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions.
- Dead Load ≤ 5 psf (includes PV Modules and Racking).
- Maximum PV Module Length: 85 in.
- Module Gaps (E/W and N/S): 1 in. (except 0.25 in. for SolarMount bottom clips). 1.5 in. is added to each rail end except when 0.25 in. is used for SolarMount bottom clips.
- Roof Zones 2 and 3: Allowable spans are reduced in Roof Zones 2 and 3. This tool compares allowable spans to the selected span. In regions where the selected span exceeds the allowable span, the number of attachments is doubled. This assumes that rafter spacing limits the available attachment points to the roof. One extra attachment is always provided for modules in Roof Zone 3. It is recommended that a local professional engineer review loads for installations in Roof Zone 3.
- Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in IBC 2006/ASCE 7-05. Spectral response acceleration (Ss) ≤ 1.25 unless otherwise noted.
- Intermediary Span Distances: Roof attachment point loads may be reduced linearly if the installed distance between the attachments is less than the selected span. For example, if the spacing is half the amount shown in the results, then the point loads may also be reduced by half.
- Spans greater than 96 in.: This tool limits available spans to 96 in. or less. While our products are valid for greater spans in many instances, we do not recommend this mounting configuration. Typical residential roofs are not designed for the larger point loads that might result from such excessive spans and we recommend final design by a licensed professional engineer of responsible charge.
Pitched Roof Solutions (Flush Mounted Solutions):
- Modules are parallel to the roof surface and within 10 in. of it.
- Allowable roof pitch: 1.2°-45°.
- Building has a monoslope roof with a slope ≤ 3°, a gable roof ≤ 45°, or a hip roof ≤ 27°.
Flat Roof Solutions (SolarMount Tilt and SOLARMOUNT-E Tilt):
- Module Tilt: 0-40 degrees (relative to horizontal)
- South facing modules on North facing roofs (“Reverse Tilt”) should not be designed with this tool.
RM5 – Ballasted Flat Roof Systems
Limitations of Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project.
Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or
building design for this project.
Building Assumptions
- Building and System Risk Category II
- Building Height ≤ 60 ft.
- Roof Slope ≥ 2.4° (1/2:12) and < 5.6° (1-3/16:12)
- Friction Tested Roofing Types: EDPM, PVC, TPO, and Mineral Cap
- Required Setback from Module Edge to Building Edge for Wind Tunnel: 3 ft (See Item 14)
- Surrounding Building Grade: Level
- Wind Design: Basic Wind Speed Range is 110-170 mph (ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: B or C (ASCE 7-10). Occupancy/Risk Category II buildings and systems with a 25 year design life. Insertion of the project at-grade elevation can result in a reduction of wind pressure. If your project is in a special case study region or in an area where wind studies have been performed, please verify with your jurisdiction to ensure that elevation effects have not already been factored into the wind speed. If elevation effects have been included in your wind speed, please select 0 ft.
- Ground Snow Load (ASCE 7-10): 0-60 psf. Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions. Roof snow load reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 with the following assumptions: Exposure factor = 0.9, Thermal factor = 1.2.
- RM5 Bay Weight: ~7.2 lbs
- Module Gaps (E/W) = 0.25 in
- Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in ASCE 7-10.
- Ballast Calculations are based on ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing.
- Ballast Blocks: The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units – CMU) and verifying the required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU to comply with ASTM standard specification for concrete roof pavers designation C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal dimensions of 4”x8”x16”. The actual block dimensions are 3/8” less than nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks should have weight as specified for the project in the “Inspection” section of this report.
- Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type I modules on the north rows only. Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type II modules on the north row and east and west edge columns.
- Limitations of Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project. Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or building design for this project.
- The system is certified to UL2703 when properly installed. See the installation guide for more detail.
Ballast Blocks
The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units – CMU) and verifying the
required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU should comply with ASM standard specification for
concrete roof pavers designation (C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is
placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation
of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal
dimensions of 4”x8”x16”. The actual block dimensions are 3/8” less than the nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks
should have a weight as specified for the project in the “Inspection” section of this report.
Design Parameters
- Importance Factor: Array (Ip) = 1.0, Building (Ie) = 1.0
- Site Class = D
- S = design seismic displacement of the array relative to the roof
- Minimum Separation: Array to Array = 0.5*S, Array to Roof Edge or Obstruction with Qualified Parapet = 1.0*S, Array to Roof Edge with Unqualified Parapet = 1.5*S
- SS = mapped MCER, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10
- SDS = design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10
- Coefficient of friction used for calculations per Unirac, Inc. Roof Mount Ballast Support Coefficient of Friction Testing report dated 7/13/2016.
- Bay Weight: ~7.2 lbs
- Wind Deflector Weight: ~6.4 lbs
- Module Gaps (E/W) = 0.25 in
- Wind Deflectors: Wind deflectors on the east and west edges of the array should overhang the east and west
modules by six inches for Type 1 modules on the north rows only. Wind deflectors on the east and west edges
of the array should overhang the east and west modules by six inches for Type II modules.
- Bays: North row bays overhang the module by ~6.5 inches and south row bays overhang the module by ~12.25
- Coefficient of Friction
- Wind Tunnel
- UL 2703
- Component Testing (Bay and Clamp)
For the wind tunnel recommendations in U-Builder to apply, the following setbacks should be observed/followed
for U-Builder wind design:
- Modules should be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the edge of the building in any direction.
- If the array is located near an obstruction that is 3.5 feet wide and 3.5 feet high or larger, the nearest
module of the array must be located a distance from the obstruction that is greater than or equal to
the height of the obstruction.
- Installations within the setbacks listed above require site specific engineering.2
- The setbacks above are for wind. High seismic areas, fire access isles, mechanical equipment, etc.,
may require larger setbacks than listed above for wind.
Site Specific Engineering
Conditions listed below are beyond the current capabilities of U-Builder. Site specific engineering is required.
- Wind designs for a project design life exceeding 25 years1
- Building assumptions and design parameters outside of U-Builder assumptions
- Attachments
- Risk Category III or IV projects (U-Builder can be adjusted for the correct wind, but not the seismic or
snow design)
- Wind tunnel testing reduction factors are not permitted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)3
- Seismic designs that fall outside SEAOC PV1-2012 recommendations (>3% roof slope, or AHJ’s that
require shake table testing or non-linear site-specific response history analysis)
- Signed and sealed site-specific calculations, layouts, and drawings
- Please contact info@unirac.com.
- Please contact EngineeringServices@unirac.com for more information.
- Please contact Theresa Allen with PZSE Structural Engineers at theresa@pzse.com. These items
will require direct coordination with PZSE to complete the requested services.
RM10 – Ballasted Flat Roof Systems
- Building and System Occupancy/Risk Category II
- Building Height ≤ 60 ft.
- Roof Slope ≥ 2.4° (1/2:12) and < 5.6° (1-3/16:12)
- Friction Tested Roofing Types: EDPM, PVC, TPO, and Mineral Cap
- Required Setback from Module Edge to Building Edge for Wind Tunnel: 3 ft
- Surrounding Building Grade: Level
- Wind Design: Basic Wind Speed Range is 85-150 mph (ASCE 7-05) and 110-170 mph (ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: B or C (ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10). Occupancy/Risk Category II buildings and systems with a 25 year design life. Insertion of the project at-grade elevation can result in a reduction of wind pressure. If your project is in a special case study region or in an area where wind studies have been performed, please verify with your jurisdiction to ensure that elevation effects have not already been factored into the wind speed. If elevation effects have been included in your wind speed, please select 0 ft.
- Ground Snow Load (ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10): 0-60 psf. Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions. Roof snow load reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 with the following assumptions: Exposure factor = 0.9, Thermal factor = 1.2.
- RM10 Ballast Bay Weight: ~3.5 lbs
- Module Gaps (E/W) = 0.25 in
- Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10
- Ballast calculations are based on ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing.
- Ballast Blocks: The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units – CMU) and verifying the required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU to comply with ASTM standard specification for concrete roof pavers designation C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal dimensions of 4”x8”x16”. The actual block dimensions are 3/8” less than nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks should have weight as specified for the project in the “Inspection” section of this report.
- Limitations of Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project. Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or building design for this project.
- The system is certified to UL2703 when properly installed. See the installation guide for more detail.
SEAOC PV1-2012: Structural Seismic Requirements and Commentary for Rooftop Soar Photovoltaic Arrays
Assumptions for unattached photovoltaic arrays:
- Importance Factor: Array (Ip) = 1.0, Building (Ie) = 1.0
- Site Class = D
- S = design seismic displacement of the array relative to the roof
- Minimum Separation: Array to Array = 0.5*S, Array to Roof Edge or Obstruction with Qualified Parapet = 1.0*S, Array to Roof Edge with Unqualified Parapet = 1.5*S
- SS = mapped MCER, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10
- SDS = design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-05/ASCE 7-10
- A minimum module return flange of 0.9in (when using 1-3/4 in. clip bolts) is required for all RM10 installations
- A minimum module return flange of 0.65in (when using 2 in. clip bolts) is required for all RM10 installations
- Coefficient of friction used for calculations per Unirac, Inc. Roof Mount Ballast Support Coefficient of Friction Testing report dated October 4, 2013. Roof pads are required for PVC, TPO, and EDPM roofs to attain a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.4. Mineral cap roofs do not require roof pads to attain a coefficient of 0.4.
RMDT – Ballasted Flat Roof Systems
- Building and System Risk Category II
- Building Height ≤ 60 ft.
- Roof Slope ≥ 2.4° (1/2:12) and ≤ 7° (1:8)
- Friction Tested Roofing Types: EDPM, PVC, TPO, and Mineral Cap
- Required Setback from Module Edge to Building Edge for Wind Tunnel: 3 ft
- Surrounding Building Grade: Level
- Wind Design: Basic Wind Speed Range is 110-170 mph (ASCE 7-10). Wind Exposure: B or C (ASCE 7-10). Occupancy/Risk Category II buildings and systems with a 25 year design life. Insertion of the project at-grade elevation can result in a reduction of wind pressure. If your project is in a special case study region or in an area where wind studies have been performed, please verify with your jurisdiction to ensure that elevation effects have not already been factored into the wind speed. If elevation effects have been included in your wind speed, please select 0 ft.
- Ground Snow Load (ASCE 7-10): 0-60 psf. Results are based on uniform snow loading and do not consider unbalanced, drifting, and sliding conditions. Roof snow load reduction calculated per Section 7.3 of ASCE 7 with the following assumptions: Exposure factor = 0.9, Thermal factor = 1.2.
- RMDT Ridge Bay Weight: ~7.7 lbs, RMDT Valley Bay Weight: ~5.6 lbs
- Module Gaps (N/S) = 0.25 in
- Seismic: Installations must be in seismic site class A, B, C, or D as defined in ASCE 7-10.
- Ballast Calculations are based on ASCE 7-10 load combinations and product specific wind tunnel testing.
- Ballast Blocks: The installer is responsible for procuring the ballast blocks (Concrete Masonry Units – CMU) and verifying the required minimum weight needed for this design. CMU to comply with ASTM standard specification for concrete roof pavers designation C1491 or C90 with an integral water repellant suitable for the climate it is placed. It is recommended that the blocks are inspected periodically for any signs of degradation. If degradation of the block is observed, the block should immediately be replaced. The CMU ballast block should have nominal dimensions of 4”x8”x16”. The actual block dimensions are 3/8” less than nominal dimensions. Ballast blocks should have weight as specified for the project in the “Inspection” section of this report.
- Limitations of Responsibility: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that inputs are correct for your specific project. Unirac is not the solar, electrical, or building engineer of record and is not responsible for the solar, electrical, or building design for this project.
- The system is certified to UL2703 when properly installed. See the installation guide for more detail.
SEAOC PV1-2012: Structural Seismic Requirements and Commentary for Rooftop Soar Photovoltaic Arrays
Assumptions for unattached photovoltaic arrays:
- Importance Factor: Array (Ip) = 1.0, Building (Ie) = 1.0
- Site Class = D
- S = design seismic displacement of the array relative to the roof
- Minimum Separation: Array to Array = 0.5*S, Array to Roof Edge or Obstruction with Qualified Parapet = 1.0*S, Array to Roof Edge with Unqualified Parapet = 1.5*S
- SS = mapped MCER, 5 percent damped, spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10
- SDS = design, 5 percent damped spectral acceleration parameter at short periods per ASCE 7-10
- Coefficient of friction used for calculations per Unirac, Inc. Roof Mount Ballast Support Coefficient of Friction Testing report dated 7/13/2016.
It is the responsibility of the user of this software to verify that all inputs are applicable to the installation site and in accordance with local building authority requirements. The installer must confirm that the method of roof attachment (components and hardware) and structure can handle the given point loads. Applications that fall outside of the conditions listed above should undergo final design by a licensed professional engineer of responsible charge.
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Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Terms and Conditions
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 All references to “Unirac” shall mean and include its authorized representative(s).
1.1.2. All references to “us”, “our” or “we” shall mean Unirac and its authorized representative(s).
1.1.3 All references to “you” or “your” shall mean the user(s) of the Unirac application.
1.1.4 All references to the “Unirac application” shall mean the software and/or service provided to the user(s) by Unirac.
1.2 General Conditions
By using the Unirac application, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use and any laws and regulations applicable to the Unirac application. You agree that you are responsible for conforming to all local laws. If you do not agree to any of these Terms and Conditions of Use, you are not permitted to use the Unirac application. The information held in the Unirac application is protected by all pertinent copyright and trade mark law. Unirac reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time of our choosing. Any changes will be effective as soon as they are posted on the Unirac application or website. The Terms and Conditions of Use remain effective until altered by Unirac and/or your use of the application is concluded, whether via your action or by action taken by Unirac. You can conclude your use of the application at any time by removing the Unirac application from your mobile or tablet device and deleting your account. Unirac may terminate your use of the Unirac application if, in our opinion, you have breached these Terms and Conditions of Use, you have breached any other Unirac policy and/or if continuing to provide the Unirac application is no longer commercially viable.
1.3 Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability
By using the Unirac application, you agree that Unirac will not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly result through using the Unirac application, inclusive of but not limited to any special, consequential or indirect damages, including without limitation liquidated damages, time-related carrying costs, any loss of profit, loss of goodwill or reputation, loss of data, intangible losses, and physical and tangible loss and/or harm.
1.3.1 Quality of Material
The materials on the Unirac application are provided “as is” with all faults. Unirac makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Unirac does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the materials on the application or otherwise relating to such materials on any sites linked to this application. Unirac is not a licensed architectural or engineering firm or general contractor. You agree not to rely on the Unirac application to perform any service, work or calculation that is required to be performed hereby irrevocably waive any claim or loss arising from or related to Unirac’s lack of licensure.
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By using the Unirac application you acknowledge that you may be exposed to content that you or other people may find offensive, indecent or objectionable. In such respect, you agree to use the Unirac application at your own risk and discretion. Unirac accepts no liability for any harm or loss, including but not limited to; physical, psychological or financial loss, caused directly or indirectly, from your use of the Unirac application. Unirac takes no responsibility and accepts no liability for behavior, content or material including, but not limited to, comments/posts, links, spam, advertisements or information provided by other users or third parties through/onto the Unirac application that is fraudulent, inappropriate, lewd, misleading, illegal, offensive or is otherwise harmful.
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The Unirac application may contain advertisements and/or links to external websites or software. Such websites and/or software are not under the control of Unirac and different terms and conditions of use and privacy policies may apply. Any links or advertisements to third party sites or software made on or through the Unirac application do not imply any endorsement of the content or service provided by these external websites or software by Unirac. Unirac accepts no liability for the content or services supplied via links or advertisements to external websites and software and Unirac accepts no liability for any loss resultant from the use of external websites or software.
1.3.4 Content Created, Transmitted and Displayed
By using the Unirac application, you agree that you, and you alone, are responsible for any content that you create, transmit or display in the course of using the Unirac application, and, therefore, you bear responsibility (and agree to indemnify, defend and hold Unirac harmless) for any consequences resulting from your distribution of content that you create, transmit or display. We make no representation as to the compatibility of the Unirac application with your hardware or software.
1.3.5 Personal Information
By using the Unirac application, you agree to take all necessary precautions to protect your own personal details and information and the personal details/information of others that you may be privy to, including but not limited to; first name(s), middle name(s), surname(s), alias(es), degree(s), date of birth, email address(es), contact detail(s), contact phone number(s), picture(s), video(s), demographic information, current location(s), future location(s), address(es), postal code(s), bank account detail(s), credit card detail(s), preferences and interests and other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers. By using the service, you accept full responsibility and liability for any and all information provided by you. Unirac shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, injury or harm caused directly or indirectly, by or from any materials or information made available by you, intentionally or unintentionally, in whatever form, onto or through your use of the Unirac application.
1.4 Fees
The Service is provided at no charge to Customer provided that Customer agrees that Unirac may (a) add optional services to Customer or its End Users for a fee or (b) offer a premium version of the Service for a fee.
1.5 Acceptable Use
Unirac requires some personal information via our registration module to facilitate your use of the Unirac application. You understand and agree that your registration information will be accurate when you enter it or update it at any time. You agree to use the Unirac application only for the purposes permitted by these Terms and Conditions of Use and only as permitted by all applicable laws and regulations. You also agree that you will only access the Unirac application by the avenues provided by Unirac and not by any automated avenues. You shall also comply with directions provided by Unirac. You agree that you will not intentionally or unintentionally interfere or disrupt the Unirac application including the network servers utilized by Unirac in providing the Unirac application. No license is granted to reproduce, duplicate, sell, trade or resell the application for any purpose. Data rates may apply on your mobile device.
1.6 Service Levels
The Unirac application requires a reliable internet connection for setup and use and is dependent on the quality of the customer's internet connection. The quality of the Unirac application cannot be guaranteed in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control Unirac. These unforeseen circumstances include, but are not limited to, disruptions in service caused by Unirac’s suppliers, disruptions of service caused by Unirac’s suppliers’ suppliers, blackouts, hardware failure/malfunctions, software failure/malfunctions and disruption in services from your internet/data service provider. Unirac reserves the right to suspend services for the purposes of alteration, maintenance or improvement of service. Unirac makes no guarantee that the service will be continuously available, uninterrupted, error-free or defined to a consistent level at all times. Unirac will not be liable for any loss, including but not limited; financial loss, physical loss, general loss, physical harm, liability’s incurred to third parties, or loss of contracts caused directly or indirectly from a loss of service or low quality service levels.
1.7 Emergency Use
Due to the nature of the Unirac application and the affiliated services required to run the Unirac application, the Unirac application is not suitable for use in emergency situations. If the Unirac application is used in the event of an emergency situation, Unirac will not be responsible for any outcome arising from the use of the Unirac application for this or any other purpose.
1.8 Revisions and Errata
The information contained in the Unirac application may exhibit errors including, but not limited, typographical errors, graphical errors or technical errors. Unirac does not guarantee that any of the information or material contained within the Unirac application is accurate, complete or current. Unirac may make changes to the information contained in its application at any time without notice. Unirac does not undertake to update the information.
1.9 Confidentiality
The Unirac application operates over the Internet and therefore security of the application is not guaranteed by Unirac. Unirac will endeavor to use security measures appropriate to the application but accepts no liability for any loss of confidentiality through the use or access of the Unirac application.
1.10 Copyright
All materials, information, data, text, images, graphics, artwork, software and source code on, used and exhibited by the Unirac application are subject to the copyright of Unirac. All rights are reserved. No part of the Unirac application may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Unirac. Certain content created by third parties and accessible through the application may be protected by certain Intellectual Property rights of supplying third parties.
1.11 Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions and any dispute arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico. Any dispute arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions will be brought exclusively in the state and federal courts sitting in Bernalillo County, New Mexico and you hereby irrevocably consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and irrevocably waive any defense to such jurisdiction and venue and any argument that such jurisdiction and venue is not a convenient forum.
2. Privacy Policy
2.1 Content Created, Transmitted or Displayed by You
All content that is created, transmitted or displayed by you in the course of using the Unirac application is your responsibility. You bear full responsibility and agree to indemnify, defend and hold Unirac harmless for any and all consequences resulting from any content that you create, transmit or display on the Unirac application.
2.2 Registration Information and Other Information
Unirac requires the user to supply personal information to Unirac through its registration module. This information is inclusive but not limited to: first name, middle name, surname, degree, date of birth, e-mail address, demographic information such as postal code, preferences and interests, and other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers. Reasons for requiring this information include, but are not limited to; internal record keeping, improvement of services and features, periodical dispatch of Unirac related e-mails, use of information for market research purposes, mitigation of automated spamming and for the regulation and control of anti-social and/or illegal behavior. Unirac will make every effort to store this information in a secure environment, however Unirac accepts no liability for the loss of this data or information should it occur. Information identifying individual users will not be provided to third parties without prior consent from the user. Unirac does, however, reserve the right to provide generic user information that does not identify individual users to third parties where and when Unirac deems this course of action appropriate.